Rating chocolates and chocolate ratings 2004
For each shop visited, a box of freshly made dark chocolate are tasted and rated on the following independent dimensions: texture, aroma, balance, and intensity plus an overall impression where five is the best possible score with three being the average, defined as a Valrhona equivalent. While each chocolate is rated based on its own type, since it makes no sense to compare the texture dimension between praline and ganache, only the composite score is tabulated and noted. Like all ratings, these contain a good deal of taster bias and idiosyncrasies, despite rudimentary statistical techniques to minimize the impacts, and should be used with these issues in mind.
A quick note on terminologies for the ratings
Bonbons: chocolate candies
Couverture: chocolate or, specifically used in these rating, the chocolate coating on the bonbons
Fourrage: filling/heart of bonbons
Ganache: fourrage made with chocolate, cream, and infusion of flavors
Praline: fourrage made with crushed, carmelized nuts
Tasting Notes
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